Motivating High Energy Fitness App And Classic Radio Play Podcast Get Some Love!

We love to see independent producers get much deserved publicity! Congratulations guys!

Motion Traxx In The Chicago Tribune

Featured in an article for the Chicago Tribune offering high tech suggestions to facilitate your fitness plans, the Motion Traxx Android App is highlighted for runners and bikers as a “non-stop high-energy soundtrack for your workout that keeps you motivated when moving.”

I don’t know about you, but anything that keeps me motivated to continue my workouts is absolutely welcome in my book!

You can get the Motion Traxx Android App HERE and the iPhone App HERE. Both are $2.99.

Not up for an App? You can subscribe to the Motion Traxx Podcast HERE

Decoder Ring Theater On BBC News Online

The Decoder Ring Theater was just recently featured on Click: The BBC’s Flagship Technology Programme. Do you know about the Decoder Ring? Here’s a teeny bit about them:

Welcome to Decoder Ring Theatre – home of all-new audio adventures in the tradition of the classic programs of Radio’s Golden Age. Here you will find full-length, full-cast tales of mystery and adventure to fire your imagination, with new releases on the 1st and 15th of every month, year-round

And according to the Click video (2:36 min in to be exact) that featured them they are:

  • “Something to entertain you while you’re driving.”
  • “Audio adventures for those who hancker for the golden age of classic radio plays.”
  • “20 to 30 minutes an episode they make the perfect companion”

Sweet huh? Looking for some entertainment the old fashioned way? How about subscribing to The Decoder Ring?

We love to see this sort of stuff! Please remember to let us know if your podcast is featured somewhere, we would love to highlight your successes 🙂


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