Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: The Plasma Master

This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!

Q & A with Brian Rushton from The Plasma Master

When did you start podcasting?

I recorded and edited The Plasma Master from about July 2011 – September 2012.

Why did you start podcasting?

A friend suggested I make a recording of an e-book I had written, and it sounded like a good idea – not only for exposure, but because I have a few family members who might listen to an audiobook but would never read a book on a digitial device. Plus, reading out loud helped me find a bunch of errors in the text.

I wrote the story itself years ago, just after high school. I was frustrated with how difficult it was to find science ficiton books that were interesting and “appropriate” – most sci-fi writers seem to feel the need to throw goriness and chastity issues into their books.

I also spent a lot of time wondering why characters in Star Trek or Star Wars didn’t respond to their situations in more logical ways. So I set out to throw all these ideas bouncing around inside my head into a cohesive story. Plus I had a lot of weird-sounding character name ideas that needed a home.

What’s your show about?

The Plasma Master is a space adventure story about a guy named Nedward, who discovers a strange crystal – a lost artifact from an alien civilization, which gives him protective powers.

Eventually the aliens themselves arrive and tell him that they are waging a war against others with similar powers to his, so Ned decides to leave Earth and use his abilities to help them.

What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.

Pretty low-budget: a Vista-era PC with Windows 7, Audacity, Levelator, and the microphone from my webcam. I did most of the editing on my laptop while riding the bus to work.

How have you promoted your podcast?

Actually, the only thing I’ve done was a quick post to my blog and Facebook when it was finished. I’m always a little surprised to find that people have listened to it 🙂

What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?

I wish I had known about Audacity’s noise removal functionality – I wasted a lot of time early on trying to remove noise that the software could have taken care of for me.

Looking to get into some interesting science fiction inspired by Star Trek and Star Wars? Well then, you really must subscribe

If you’ve got an ebook that you’ve been meaning to record and turn into a podcast then let us be your podcast hosting solution! Go ahead and check out our plans!

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